Eric at Machu Picchu in 20025

Eric Whitehead

Travel has always been a part of Eric's life. He developed this love as a direct result of the life changing road trip he took in 1971, the trip chronicled in THEN THERE WAS ONE The Ultimate 70's Road Trip. Having minored in Anthropology in university he uncovered a never ending interest in people and their varied ways of life. This interest took him to Africa with York University in 1973. Travel became so important that it totally overshadowed a 33 year career, primarily in Management and Sales, in the Electrical Distribution industry. Between trips he managed to enjoy a normal family life complete with school concerts and plays, softball and TaeKwon-Do. He and his wife even attempted to start their own business - a travel business, of course.

Eric's pride and joy are his two sons Gavin and Adam. Gavin has probably travelled even more than Mom and Dad. The acorn truly does not fall far from the tree. Adam and his wife have blessed Eric and Karen with two beautiful male grandchildren - future world travelers they hope.

Eric retired in 2008 and immediately wrote THEN THERE WAS ONE which was self-published in the summer of 2010. He has published several articles about active travel in local newspaper/magazines. He is a regular contributor to the TravelMag website. His work can be found at …

Murray Jupe

Murray Jupe

Murray's family growing up could best be described as nomadic. Throughout his father's working career, the family was transferred all over Canada. Thus ensued a childhood discovering new cities, schools and most of all, people.

In his late teens the lure of travel to see other places and people led to his first big adventure with his high school friend Eric. During their voyage of discovery through the United States and Mexico, they encountered Mother Nature in all her glory and people of all ages, races and found them all fascinating. They also learned a great deal about themselves. Their book "Then There Was One" was the culmination of these adventures.

After their big adventure, Murray worked for a few years saving up enough money to go to university. After graduation, a career in the petrochemical and then pharmaceutical industries as a logistics manager, occurred. Ultimately health issues caused a rethink in career directions. A return to university led to a totally different career as an addictions counsellor. He was quoted as saying "it was the worst paying and best job he ever had". It was a very meaningful end to his working life. Retired since 2005, he loves riding his motorcycle and tinkering with an old one.

Later in life with his wife Karen, travel led them to Hawaii and the Caribbean. They fell in love with Hawaii and have travelled there many times. Cuba has become a favourite destination as well. Business travel afforded Murray the opportunity to explore the Southwest United States as well as New York City and New Jersey.

Despite some ongoing health issues, he continues to travel. Life continues to be an adventure!




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